A way to see what God is doing on a regular basis through Student Venture in Loveland and wherever God takes the McKee family.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Some News

Caedmon is getting pretty excited about something. There's another baby on the way!! Ashley is pregnant again!! WOOHOO!! We are really excited about starting all over again with a new brother or sister for Caedmon. Our office in our house is already taken apart and it has all been moved to my Student Venture office. We are waiting to find out if the baby is a boy or girl to begin decorating the room. Ashley is pretty excited about that of course.
A few weeks ago we went to the doctor and heard the heartbeat and saw the little, tiny black moving blob on the ultrasound screen. He/she was moving around quite a bit, it was pretty cool to see the little baby moving around. Be praying for Ashley and the baby as we have just made it through the 1st trimester and are beginning the second trimester. Don't worry we will put up more pictures as we get closer. Praise God for the ability to have children, we count this a huge blessing!
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Xtreme Weekend was amazing! The video tells the story pretty much. We calculated and we hiked a total of about 10 miles in addition to climbing around that whole site, caving, and cliff jumping. It was pretty intense and needless to say we were all pretty worn out. I can't wait to take the guys again though. It was a pretty incredible weekend to bond and face fears together. Some of the guys were afraid of heights, so cliff jumping and rock climbing were both pretty much fear busters. Also our discussions on manhood were awesome!! The guys all really wanted to take steps toward manhood but many didn't know what the steps were or how to move forward into manhood. The path consists of 6 key phases - Beloved Son, Cowboy, Warrior, Lover, King, and Sage(Way of the Wild Heart). The 4 pillars of manhood to stand strong as a man are king, warrior, mentor, and friend (Tender Warrior). All need to be equally strong and we need to be pursuing these attributes and fleshing them out in our lives. Our culture has such a false image of manhood today and most guys never realize that they have crossed over from boys to men. Thats one of the many reasons our culture is in the state that its in. I pray that these weekends and our fellas' times will help build strong men to lead their families, churches, and others to the heart of God in the future.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Caedmon vs. Mommy - Shouting Match

The first battle between Mommy & Caedmon happened at a little over 6 months. See who won. It was hilarious to watch for the first time and I still laugh about this a lot. Just like some other things that Caedmon has done he just kind of did it one day and now its hard to get him to do it again. Thank God for video cameras that hold the memories in and let you join in on the fun. Caedmon is 6 months now and will be 7 months on the 21st.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


This year I directed outreach at our Myrtle Beach summer conference called Getaway. We tried out a new outreach this year and instead of telling you about it I thought I would show you. Just click on the title to see the video.

Caedmon Sleeps Through The Night

This is our breakfast interview with Caedmon after sleeping through the night for the first time. It felt amazing to have slept all the way through the night. There is also an ad for the best seat of all time - The Bumbo. The inventor of this seat should be honored for best baby invention. Hope you enjoy the video

Monday, May 07, 2007


Here is the McKee family at Easter this year. Caedmon is growing up every day and is getting cuter all the time. He is truly a blessing that we thank the Lord for. Praise God for His indescribable gift in Jesus Christ and in His resurrection from the dead. We count our blessings at Easter and rejoice in His amazing power and love that raised Jesus from the dead.
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Wednesday, February 07, 2007


My dad and my brother tried for a while to unscramble the letters to figure out our son's name. We wanted to let you know how we came up with the name CAEDMON. We went on a little retreat to pray and ask God what to name our son. A name is so important and as we look through scripture you see God giving specific names to individuals and even changing their name at a significant point in their life. We prayed that God would give us a name, but he didn't give us a name. He did impress, however, a meaning on our hearts. Warrior. We were supposed to name our son a name that meant warrior. That is all we knew after our retreat and when we came home Ashley began to search on the internet. I had some appointments that day, but when I came home Ashley stopped me and told me a name that she found. I was in full agreement as the name Caedmon left her lips. She found that Caedmon means "Wise Warrior". We pray that Caedmon is a warrior for the Lord and will always stand as a protector of the truth. A warrior is not one who starts fights, but protects and stands between evil and good. Our prayer is that he will be a Tender Warrior, as depicted by Stu Weber's book, Tender Warrior.


Caedmon's Here, and He's Cute!! He is ready for the cold and is now 6 weeks old. Time has flown, it is amazing to see him grow and change so quickly. He is definitely a huge blessing to us. We, of course, fell in love at first sight and cried with joy together as he was born. We are excited to see him grow and become the warrior that God has called him to be.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm Pretty Sure She's Pregnant

We are a month and a half away now!! December 17th is coming soon and we are doing all we can to get ready for the baby. We are about to finish up our childbirth class which has been pretty fun and interesting. I know we learned a lot we wouldn't have known otherwise. Ashley is still doing awesome and we are really glad that my parents are here now to live close by and help with the baby when we need them to. Our boy is really moving in there now, he gets crazy active some nights. We can't wait to meet him. Be praying for Matt & Jessica (my brother and his wife) they just passed their due date and they can't wait to meet Aslan, their new baby boy. Its going to be awesome watching all of these cousins grow up together. They just had an ultrasound and everything is fine with the baby, he just likes it a little too much in there. We hope to have our baby before Christmas, but that is in God's hands and His timing is perfect. Posted by Picasa